5 Father of the Bride Speech Samples
Five sample father of the bride speeches available for immediate download (5 pdf files). Speeches contain a mix of sentiment and light humor. Each speech is at least 500 words in length. These prewritten speech samples are simply meant to provide 'ideas' and 'tips' to assist you in creating your own unique wedding speech.
Father will focus mainly on his daughter and her new spouse. Reflects about his relationship with his daughter from when she was a child up to adulthood. Shares a couple of heartfelt stories about his newlywed child. Talks about when he first met his new son-in-law, along with his initial impressions. States how he feels about his new son-in-law, such as saying that he is like a son. Compliments the other parent(s) on how well they raised their son. Also thanks them for contributions made towards the wedding. Offers marital advice to the newlyweds. Concludes by toasting the newlyweds.
5 Father of the Bride Sample Speeches